Perspective Cemetery
1 Point Perspective Cemetery
Use 1-point perspective to draw 3D forms.
Use creativity and storytelling to finish a work of art.
Use value to create at least 5 different values in a landscape.
"Perspective Cemetery" handout
Fine Sharpie
9" x 12” drawing paper
Video Tutorial
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Draw a horizon line towards the top of the paper.
Add a vanishing point (VP).
Draw headstone shapes to fill in the area below the horizon line. Draw large shapes at the bottom of the paper and allow shapes to get smaller as they near the horizon line.
Connect the top and corner to the VP.
Mimic the curved shape of the headstone to show the depth of the form. The headstones should appear thinner as they reach the horizon.
Use the VP to draw a line on both sides of the base of the headstone. This will be the cast shadow.
Finish the shadow by drawing a curved line to connect both diagonal lines.--Shadows in the foreground will appear longer than shadows in the background. Erase unnecessary lines.
Add grass to the base of the headstone. Add additional lines to create grass texture. Outline with ultra-fine Sharpie. Add a rising moon on the horizon line. Add names to the headstones. Add additional spooky details. Remember, detail will become less visible with distance.
Begin adding value to the drawing. The cast shadows should be the darkest. Use a paper towel to smudge the shadows to fill in the rest of the paper with value. Add grass texture over the value.
Above the horizon line add darker value on the edge of the paper and allow it to lighten as it nears the glowing moon. Smudge.
Create a value scale from dark to light on the side of the headstones.
Erase the moon and the tops of the headstones for contrast.
Fill in silhouettes with black Sharpie